Saturday, May 26, 2007

Melt In Your Mouth Babycakes

Another gem from the internet. I found this recipe for a chocolate cake. I think my issue is the altitude. Most of these recipes are made in Cali, so i'm thinking that's it. Anyone have any advice?

Ryan and I went to Arby's for lunch so I could snag a pile of the sauce cups (mini cups) for a recipe for Melt in Your Mouth Cake.

Here are the results. You can't really tell the size ratio, except in my blurry close up picture. For some reason the macro setting on my camera isn't as clear and I'd like. Maybe I should read the manual. The recipe made almost 6 dozen of these puppies.

1 comment:

the keele's said...

oh goodness u should bring them over!! haha. i love sweets right now in the stage of pregnancy. im craving them to much! but yea i got crafty and they did turn out A OK!!