Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kansas - Little Critters and the HeebieJeebies

Waking up at 4am after finally falling asleep at 12:30am isn't my idea of a fun Saturday morning activity, BUT, we had a 6:30 flight to catch and with all the driving and things we had to do, only option. So now it's 9:30 ('s 10:30 here in KS) and we just spent 5.5 hours looking at the most down and out houses in and around our new territory.

Critters everywhere. There are the cutest little cottontail bunnies hip-hopping across the street and in and out of this bush or that. REALLY adorable. See?

And FIREFLIES! The first time I ever saw a firefly was in Pennsylvania, right after Ryan and I were married. They're possibly the coolest bug I've ever seen.

Seriously, if you haven't seen them before, you'll think it's the coolest thing when you finally have the opportunity.

So, we looked at tons of houses, as I mentioned, cuz, ya know, that's what this whole trip is about. We looked at about 20 houses. Some of these were bad. BAD. The worst was a foreclosure that had a cute layout, really good bones and structure, but the bonehead to lived there (was kicked out from there) lived in filth. Serious, ridiculous (think of the dirtiest word you can) filth. Based on the looks of the carpet there was a dog using all three bedrooms as a personal bathroom. The laminate floor was installed incorrectly and it reeked of cigarette smoke. It would be a total remodel.

The best part about above house is when Ryan and I got into our realtor's car and he stated, "oh, crap. I think we all just got FLEAS." Yes, fleas. He knows because he lived in Portugal and had them for about a year. So, of course, I hop out of the car and my long pant legs and shoes are swarming with hopping little buggers. EWEWEWEWEW. Just typing it again is making my body shiver and I'm mentally making my legs feel the creepy crawlies. So I de-flead him, he de-flead me and I think some of the residents of this otherwise charming town probably saw my religion as I pulled my pants down in the driveway and made Ryan check my butt for any remaining sickos.

I'm still not over it and it's been 4 hours. I don't know if I'll get over it. Welcome to life in Kansas, huh? I was hosting a flea circus, apparently!

I changed my tune after seeing all the old, one-time charming houses. It's really a shame that they've fallen into such disrepair, but I'm not the gal to fix them up at this point in life. So, the search continues. We have 2.5 days to find a house we like and make an offer on it.

Wish us luck and a flea-free trip!


hillary said...

Seriously? You've changed your mind about a fixer-upper? You should see my face - it's shocked! Well I'm shocked on the inside anyway. Did you guys take those pictures or did you find them online?

Jeppsen Family said...

Fleas are sick.....I hope you find a house to your liking! I think we're just 5 hours south. I love fireflies. We get them here too!!

Dani said...

Welcome to the midwest!! I felt the same way when we moved here to Chicago...cottontails and fireflies EVERYWHERE. Actually, my niece just caught a firefly in the house and brought it outside to watch it light up!

Adam Forgie said...

Holy cow Chels, good luck! It's so weird to think you're only 3 hours away from me instead of 3 states; I wish you could stop by and see us! I hope you find a place that you'll be happy in and that you can afford.

shannon said...

i think i just vomited a little in my mouth. gross. here's to kansas! and wishing you good luck to find a place to live!!! ps...i LOVE lightening bugs (that's what we called them when i lived in georgia!) it's great when you grab them in your hands and squish them on your clothes...then your clothes will glow. okay, so that was something i did when i was 10, but i'd still do it!

Gingerlylizzy said...

Ewwwww! That is so nasty. Good luck with your house hunting, can't wait to see how it goes!

exclusive_remedy said...

I want to see fireflies! But I don't want to see fleas. So ... I guess I am okay with where I am for now. You guys find a flea free home and then I will come visit you :) Sound good?