Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Motivation, anyone?

I'm so tired of my night routine and being home by myself while Ryan's at work. If it were during the day, at least I'd feel like I was just starting my day and be inspired to get up and do something. Once I get home from work, I don't want to do ANYTHING and when I say that, I really mean ANYTHING. The two nights a week Ryan's here I am fine, we go out and I have energy and drive to either go out or make dinner or do something, but when it's just me and the lil pooch (who is currently sick and throwing up and I have no idea what he ate, I just know I'm really grossed out and he's going to have to stay in the bathroom for the next couple of hours)'s another story.

I don't know if it's just because I'm tired and the day (to me) is over or what...anyways....

Maybe I'll take up a daily trip to barnes and noble to read magazines for free.

Any other suggestions?


shannon said...

chelsea, hey it's shannon (hilary's friend)...i love the idea about going to B&N to read magazines. my sister has the same issues and she joined a book club that meets weekly, and also joined a knitting group that meets weekly. you should also go to pebbles and use their die cutting machines and use their big scrapbooking room for free and should totally make cards and sell them on are extrememly creative that way! also, the Orem rec center is awesome, it's over by Mountain View HS on Center St.

exclusive_remedy said...

Well, Chels, I guess you and I are in the same position - I sit around all day (because of the no job thing) and I feel like I am so useless. That is why I started knitting so that I could feel like I could do something somewhat useful while sitting around on my @$$! Right now I am knitting a sweater - but the date approaches when I can start working. I feel like my life is going to start again when that happens, but I know that nothing is going to happen unless I make it happen. So I have started making myself go out SOMEWHERE at least once a day! I don't have any good advice except that force works once in a while. We should get together like we planned ... maybe that will help?

Natalie said...

You love projects! Start a project! When Steve was deployed, nights were probably the worst time of day for me. I usually went out somewhere, just to be around other people. (But I ended up spending a lot of money that way :)) I don't recommend watching a lot of TV, though. When I did that, I felt even worse. I wish that I had worked out more, but I felt the same as you. When I got home, I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING. :)